Contents of Government Elearning! Magazine - NOV-DEC 2011

Elearning! Magazine: Building Smarter Companies via Learning & Workplace Technologies.

Page 27 of 52

There is a rapid and growing trend toward cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) (SaaS: software as a service) solutions in most enterprises. "Cloud- based" means that your LMS application and databases usually reside at the ven- dor's site. "Usually" simply means that there are always hybrid solutions, especial- ly when custom elements are involved. According to vendor and user data,
more than half of all new installations are now SaaS-based. Some vendors are report- ing that cloud solutions represent as much as 75 percent of their new business. Although specific support metrics don't
surface because of the range of possible installations, a lot of factors impact the support effort to maintain an on-premise installation.
of Your LMS System Feeding
Usually the conversation begins around security, and the I.T. staff takes part in the discussion. Security has traditionally been the prime reason for installing an LMS behind a company's firewall. "When a customer first considers a cloud-
based, SaaS solution," says Jason Stutt, direc- tor of Saba's Product Strategy, "they always
"46% of new
LMS/TMS buyers prefer SaaS or cloud based solutions,"
- Learning & Talent Systems
Buyer Survey 2011
begin by asking to be convinced that the environment is secure. And the issue of redundancy usually comes up as well. After we go through the myriad of permissions, controls, and all of the redundancy meas- ures are in place, the customers are usually convinced that this is a better route for them." He goes on to say that they are even seeing quite a few government agencies and banks now electing to use cloud solutions — a testimony to the security issue. The reasons for electing a cloud LMS
solution really have a lot to do with what the vendors absorb on behalf of their clients, as well as what customers acknowl- edge as immediate benefits. Here are a few of the more significant reasons and criteria:
six months or more has now been short- ened to three weeks, as a result of vendor- hosted services. Many vendors offer wiz- ards that guide their clients through the
1 Elearning! November / December 2011 27
Speed of Implementation - What used to take an average of